The Bully, the Savvy Businessman, and the Risk Taker: Moving Beyond the Industry’s Highlight Reel

The automotive history is full of surprises, with many people skipping the finer details to highlight the successes and big-picture ideas that transformed the American automotive landscape. We see this in William Durant’s climb to success when he formed General Motors and later teamed up with Louis Chevrolet. But what about the details in between? […]

How the UN Killed Cool Cars

November 12, 2008: a date that will live in infamy for the unimaginably small number of automotive enthusiasts who are aware of it. That was the month that the death sentence was announced for automotive style by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). If you fondly remember the unique styling of the aggressive […]

Do’s and Don’ts of Hypermiling

I’ve got bad news, and I’ve got good news. The bad is that gas prices have reached record highs, and they’re likely to keep going up for a while. The good news is that each year brings us closer to everyone driving vehicles that don’t need gas in the first place. Until then, however, we’re […]

Race to the Finish Line with Roush

Since 1995, automotive mogul, Jack Roush, has been manufacturing and developing high performance components for street and race cars. The man is a bit of a legend: he graduated with a Master’s Degree in Scientific Mathematics from Eastern Michigan University, then started working for Ford Motors soon after graduation, and in 1984, began building engines […]

Four Warning Signs of a Bad Used Car

Shopping for a car can be stressful, and these uneasy feeling are only exasperated if you decide to opt for a used vehicle. Nowadays, many used dealerships tend to be reputable, but we’d understand if you’re still a bit apprehensive about pursuing these particular rides. After all, we’ve all heard the stories of low-quality rides […]

If I were a Rich Girl…

If you read that title and then immediately hummed na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na nah, then congratulate yourself… you are part of the reason that Gwen Stefani is estimated to be worth more than 100 million bucks. So yes, she is, no doubt, a rich girl. I, however, am not. However, I certainly do “think what that money could […]

Let’s Build a 2017 Honda Accord!

If you’re in the market for a new sedan, you’ve surely been debating the 2017 Honda Accord vs. the 2017 Chevy Malibu. These vehicles are rather comparable, and customers will seek every advantage that accompanies the two models as they’re trying to make a decision. Well, if you’re looking for convenience and a speedy car-buying […]