Why Drivers Can Easily Rely on Mazda’s I-ACTIVSENSE Technology

Nowadays, it seems like prospective car buyers are particularly focused on pursuing a vehicle that includes (for instance) technology or luxury. While these attributes are certainly useful and noteworthy, they’re still not nearly as essential as a vehicle’s safety capabilities. Well, if you’re seeking a brand that’s fully committed to preserving the well-being of their […]

Online Car Buying and Space

Writer’s Note: for the better part of 15 years, I’ve been developing an idea for an epic, car-buying movie. Unfortunately, Westworld has seemingly stolen all of my ideas. Still, I decided to pass along the script treatment to you.   Time: A rainy and dark Saturday morning. The foreboding sky implies that everything might not […]

The Evolution of Alfa Romeo’s Name

Alfa Romeo is reemerging in North America, evident by their expensive advertising campaign during the recent Super Bowl. However, we wouldn’t blame you if you weren’t all that familiar with the brand. This lack of familiarity could partly be attributed to the fact that the company was exclusively oriented towards the European market for nearly […]