Why Go Further?

So, here you are…searching Ford dealerships online. My question is, “Why?” Please allow me to clarify: my question is not intended to cast aspersions on the Ford Motor Company or Ford dealerships. If (as stated in their motto) Ford wants you to “Go Further,” I’m going to suggest that you wait just a minute because […]

Why Drivers Can Easily Rely on Mazda’s I-ACTIVSENSE Technology

Nowadays, it seems like prospective car buyers are particularly focused on pursuing a vehicle that includes (for instance) technology or luxury. While these attributes are certainly useful and noteworthy, they’re still not nearly as essential as a vehicle’s safety capabilities. Well, if you’re seeking a brand that’s fully committed to preserving the well-being of their […]

AEV Jeeps Side-Step the Fail

Just this morning, I was having a conversation with a co-worker about how some topics are more fun to research and write about than others. While it’s inevitable that you’d enjoy writing about the kinds of cars that you love to drive (or aspire to drive someday), it’s very cool when you find yourself captivated […]

To Bolt, or Not To Bolt

With New York State’s reinstatement of the $2,000 rebate entitlement on the purchase of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, car dealerships in Albany, NY (and throughout the state) have an unspoken obligation to maintain sufficient inventory to appease the demand. Then again, do they? After all, what is the actual demand? While some car buyers […]

Three Rules of the BMW 7 Series

Have you ever seen the original “Transporter” movie? While one can never be sure whether or not the elite of your community would actually require your services as a “transporter,” finding the right BMW Dealership would be the ideal first step in pacifying your inner Jason Statham. Granted, you may have no immediate desire to […]

Jeeps of Fame and Fortune

Ever since they first emerged on highways, but first the battlefield more than 70 years ago, Jeeps have tugged on the heartstrings of all sorts of Americans, providing them with a sense of freedom, romance, and adventure. That’s why they continue to be one of the best selling cars in the U.S. They attract a […]

2017 Toyota Land Cruiser

$84,775. That’s the starting price for the 2017 Toyota Land Cruiser. That’s a lot of bones for a buggy. The question is, is it worth it? And more specifically, is it worth it for you? Powerful Performance To start with, the 2017 Toyota Land Cruiser is an eight-passenger luxury SUV, so if you’re looking for […]