A silver 2022 Honda Accord Hybrid is shown from the front.

Is The Honda Accord A Good Value?

What is it that makes a “good value?” Is it price to performance, luxury on a budget, or all of the above? To me, what makes a good value is something that can promote longevity – something void of near-immediate obsolescence. Obsolescence is a subjective term because a sports car from twenty years ago can outperform an entry-level sedan. When discussing technology and safety features, vehicles are quick to become obsolete. However, a good value to me includes a way to protect your investment, and sometimes all you have to do to protect that investment is keep your vehicle in good health. With that said, I recommend looking for a Honda Accord for sale because they’re some of the most reliable sedans you’ve ever seen. The Honda Accord is the de facto choice for many drivers and is one of Honda’s most recognizable namesakes. From first-time drivers to the masters of the road, the Honda Accord is a vehicle that appeals to the masses for many reasons, from its price, performance, efficiency, and features.

Gather Around. I Have A Story To Tell

Before I get too deep into what makes the Accord a great value, I have a story to tell you. One of my closest friends swears by the Accord and has only ever driven the Accord. He drove a 1993 Honda Accord until 2018 when he swapped it out for a 2006 Accord. His wish to upgrade didn’t stem from a dead vehicle either – he just wanted something newer, albeit the 1993 Accord wasn’t looking too hot by the end. Keep in mind that jumping thirteen model years between your previous vehicle and your new one is bound to come with some changes – in the case of the Accord, jumping from the 1993 to 2006 Accord provided an exterior overhaul, performance upgrades, a newer media hub, and more. I’m getting ahead of myself, and you may wonder why I’m telling you this. Here’s where the story gets interesting.

My friend’s 1993 Honda Accord had a fair share of miles placed on its engine, and that odometer looked more like a pinball score than a meter. Even with over 120,000 miles on that machine, he and I embraced blizzards and other natural elements like tropical storms to get to rock concerts. Dangerous? Yes. Crazy? You bet. I’m not saying you’re guaranteed to survive a blizzard on the state freeway in a 1993 Accord with a handful of horsepower – I’m simply stating that I did, and I lived to tell the tale. The 2006 Accord my friend drives now is rather nice, and I bet that the 2006 Accord will still be operating fifteen years from now – if my friend takes good care of it. Okay – story time is over, so let’s get into some of the reasons why the Accord is such a good value – aside from the potential to keep these machines running for thirty years.

A grey 2015 Honda Accord is shown from the front at an angle after leaving a dealer that had a Honda Accord for sale.

Value is a Virtue

One of the first and most notable reasons the Honda Accord is such a good value is its history of excellent performance. Best of all, there’s a surprise you may not expect. Take, for example, the latest Honda Accord as of this writing: the 2023 Honda Accord. Powering it is one gasoline powertrain and one optional hybrid. However, if you’re looking to save money but still want to achieve that level of performance you’d get on the base 2023 model, you’ll be pleased to know you can.

The turbocharged 1.5L I-4 engine that boasts excellent performance and even greater fuel efficiency was first introduced in the 2018 Accord and is still in use today. However, the 2018 Accord has another trick up its sleeve in the form of a turbocharged 2.0L I-4 engine that creates a total of 252 hp and 273 lb-ft of torque – a far cry from the 2023 Accord’s maximum 204 hp and 247 lb-ft of torque its hybrid powertrain outputs. Want a hybrid? Don’t fret – the Honda Accord is available in a myriad of hybrid options starting with the 2014 Accord. Besides taking one year off for the 2017 model, the Accord Hybrid is still in production to this day, with the 2023 model recently debuting in November 2022 with a bevy of upgrades.

But wait, there’s more! Stepping down the chain of model years, there’s another performance boost – far more significant than the previous one I mentioned. While this will be at the cost of fuel efficiency – many Accord models, including ones from over a decade ago, can be fitted with a 3.5L V6 engine that produces more horsepower than the turbocharged 2.0L I-4. Performance and efficiency are easily two factors contributing to the Accord’s success and value proposition. What else does the Accord offer that makes it stand out amongst the crowd?

Staying Two Steps Ahead

I have always admired Honda’s willingness to embrace the future at the right moment. Some manufacturers simply wait too long to implement features that take the automotive industry off its feet. By the time various features like Apple CarPlay and Android Auto have reached particular models, the excitement has worn thin. Instead of the excitement we felt when vehicles were first becoming integrated with our smartphones, the connection has now turned into a daily tool that, if anything, makes the competition look bad without it. Of course, these issues aren’t prevalent with Honda and its models as the manufacturer has regularly kept up to date, and Honda doesn’t stop innovating.

Want proof? If I may sidetrack for a moment – I remember watching television in the early 2000s and seeing a commercial for a friendly little robot named ASIMO by Honda. At the time, this seemed in the realm of science fiction, and as time passed, I forgot about ASIMO as the likes of Boston Dynamics and other robotic companies began entering the picture. However, ASIMO didn’t lie dormant – ASIMO has been in active development and is still slated to reach a domestic release within a decade. But how does this trail back to the Honda Accord? I’m glad you asked.

The Honda Accord is one example of a manufacturer whose genius lies in innovation and quality and applying it to a vehicle that millions of drivers love. The Honda Accord is no slouch. While Honda’s research and development team continues to innovate with new technologies and the aforementioned ASIMO robot, the marketing team does a similarly inventive job on how it can get value-focused vehicles in the driveways of millions of hardworking people around the world.

A white 2020 Honda Accord is shown from the front at an angle.

A League of its Own

While the Accord has competitors – as any product worth its salt should have – the Accord sticks out from the competition thanks to one key element: Honda. Honda has a reputation for being a dealership that has given drivers enough reasons to trust them – a sentiment regularly shared for generations. Those who grew up riding in a Honda are bound to somewhat feel a special connection to them. Those who don’t regularly consider that kind of thing or have no nostalgic ties to the manufacturer have reasons to admire Honda and its beloved Accord. The Accord is a name you won’t stop hearing anytime soon, so if you haven’t gotten used to it by now, you may as well begin to.